Conversational Messaging Podcast by Gupshup
Conversational Messaging Podcast by Gupshup
Episode 011: Improve Online Reputation Management with Social Media Bots
In today’s episode of the Conversational Messaging Podcast, Gupshup’s Product Head of Conversational AI, Niyati Agarwal joins Srini to discuss how smart social media bots can bring your brand closer to consumers. Tune in to find out about how this strategy builds customer loyalty, increases sales, and even becomes a marketing tool for your brand!
Engaging to Consumers Online
Social media is so widely used these days that it has become an outlet for thousands of annoyed (sometimes satisfied) customers. When consumers are unhappy with a product, they tend to voice out their concerns online, the same way they leave positive reviews online when they feel otherwise. Hence, now is the perfect time for brands to incorporate social media bots and automation in their online engagement with consumers.
“You allow that platform on a private channel to voice out the same kind of concerns that he or she might have done on a public channel.” - Niyati Agarwal
Getting Your Customers’ Loyalty
Social media bots and automation allow consumers to be heard instantly—not thirty minutes or an hour after their feedback, but instantly. This should greatly impact how consumers feel; a very mad customer can at least be turned into a neutral one. The goal is instead of having actual people to monitor this pile of public consumer feedback, which is almost impossible, customers can privately reach out to smart social media bots and be presented with a deal, offer, or resolution that would leave them satisfied and with a renewed loyalty for the brand.
“You're not able to just handle the negative situations, you're able to handle the positive sentiments of such people. And you're creating a strategy that includes the overall engagement of your users.” - Niyati Agarwal
Smart Social Media Bots
What brands need to keep in mind is that the success of social media bots depends on how deep the context bots can perceive. If the bot is programmed right and is smart enough to determine what a consumer needs, a consumer who is simply engaging online to leave feedback can be led to making another purchase. Social media bots can definitely establish a deeper connection between brands and consumers that is beneficial for both sides in the long run.
“I think this is a solution that can really bring brands and followers closer, which is what conversational messaging does.” - Srinivas Vijayaraghavan
To know more about Improving Your Online Reputation Management with Social Media Bots, listen to this episode.
Niyati Agarwal
Gupshup’s Product Management Head for AI
Srinivas has over 2 decades of experience in running marketing for high-growth technology companies and managing corporate marketing, product marketing and demand generation. Prior to Gupshup, he held marketing leadership positions with Qubole, Pluralsight, Mobileum and Tejas Networks.